In November 1996, Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 was hijacked by three Ethiopian men just 20 minutes after takeoff.

 In November 1996, Ethiopian Airlines Flight 961 was hijacked by three Ethiopian men just 20 minutes after takeoff. 

The men stormed the cockpit and hijacked the aircraft, wielding an axe and a fire extinguisher taken from the cockpit.

The hijackers were identified as two unemployed high school graduates and a nurse. They demanded that the plane be flown to Australia so they could seek asylum in the country.

The captain attempted to explain that they only had enough fuel for the scheduled flight and thus could not even make a quarter of the way to Australia, but the hijackers did not believe him.

They declared in Amharic, French, and English that if anyone tried to interfere, they had a bomb and would use it to blow up the plane.

Authorities later determined that the supposed bomb was actually a covered bottle of liquor.

Instead of flying towards Australia, the captain flew along the African coastline.

The hijackers noticed that land was still visible and forced the pilot to steer east. However, the captain secretly headed for the Comoros Islands.

The plane was nearly out of fuel but the hijackers continued to ignore the captain’s warnings. 

Out of options, the captain began to circle the area, hoping to land the plane at the Comoros’ main airport. 

However, he was forced to ditch the plane, crashing into the Indian Ocean at approximately 200 miles per hour.

Of the 175 passengers and staff members from the flight, only 50 occupants survived.

***Watch Video Footage 👇 


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