
Showing posts from June, 2024

The World Cup of Dirty Dreams: Inside Brazil’s Most Infamous Brothel

 The World Cup of Dirty Dreams: Inside Brazil’s Most Infamous Brothel Full of beautiful women and XXX behavior, Rio de Janeiro's Centaurus has enticed celebrities, soccer stars and anyone else willing to pay a fee and go inside. We go behind the doors of a scandalous sin palace After four years of tending bar at Centaurus, the most elite brothel in the sex-for-pay melee that is the recklessly beautiful city of Rio de Janeiro, Sergio Limas — 47 years old, pleasantly gruff and handsomely handlebar mustached — had become unfazeable. Even though it was forbidden, clients would often try and get him to come into one of the upstairs rooms, to sleep with him, or to watch him sleep with the girls whose time they had paid for. There were displays of lavish grandiosity: Limas says that after Brazil claimed ultimate victory in the 2002 World Cup, one of the team’s soccer gods, known for a famously healthy sexual appetite, shut the place down to have his own private party (ex

Myanmar Resistance Fighter Beheaded in Sagaing

Myanmar junta troops beheaded a resistance fighter when they raided at least six villages in Sagaing Township  His body was found with the abdomen cut open in Ta Ein Te village after a regime raid on Monday, according to a resistance member. “His intestines were falling out. The head was about 3km away,” he said. Troops clashed with resistance forces when they raided Ywar Ma village on Sunday, killing another resistance member. Regime troops detained at least 100 residents who were sheltering at the Ywar Ma village monastery, according to a source. Some were tortured and three are receiving medical treatment, he said. At least 15 Ta Ein Te village homes were burned by junta troops on Monday. Later troops raided Myaing Lel, Maung Htaung, Let Pan Thar and Htein Kone villages. The force of around 150 troops included Pyu Saw Htee militia members. It left Sagaing Township for neighboring Myinmu on Tuesday, according to residents. Regime troops have been raiding the resist

In December 2014, 49-year-old David Phillips knocked on the door of Andreas Christopheros' home, and callously threw a beaker of sulphuric acid at Andreas.

In December 2014, 49-year-old David Phillips knocked on the door of Andreas Christopheros' home, and callously threw a beaker of sulphuric acid at Andreas.  As the acid seared into Christopheros' face, Phillips coldly remarked, "This is for you, mate."  The severity of the attack was so grave that doctors informed Christopheros' family that his survival through the night was uncertain.  For weeks, he was under constant medical surveillance due to the high risk of infection. Christopheros described the horrific incident, saying, "My T-shirt disintegrated from top to bottom — it just rolled away into nothing. The pain was inexplicable.”  To save his life and begin the arduous process of recovery, doctors have had to reconstruct ninety percent of Christopheros' face, using skin from various parts of his body, including his scalp and neck.  The scarring from the attack has been so severe that Christopheros has lost his ey

In 2019, an inmate in Brazil called Clauvino "Shorty" da Silva attempted to escape prison by dressing up as his teenage daughter who was scheduled to visit him that day. His attempt was unsuccessful and he was found deceased in his cell a few days later.

  Rio de Janeiro prisons authorities said Clauvino da Silva, 42, apparently hanged himself with a sheet in his cell in a high-security unit in the state's Bangu jail complex. Da Silva tried to bust out of Rio’s Gericino prison pretending to be the 19-year-old - who he was going to leave behind, authorities say. He donned a convincing wig and eerie lifelike rubber mask along with a bra and cutesy pink t-shirt on Saturday. The convicted drug dealer’s amazing get-up was so convincing prison staff only stopped him at the end of visiting time. Guards became suspicious because he started acting too nervously, according to authorities. Da Silva, known as “Shorty,” was filmed standing awkwardly with his hands behind his back as his wild costume was slowly exposed. REMOVES DISGUISE The footage starts with guards carefully removing his glasses and a long black wig. The tattooed inmate then removes his shirt - showing a black bra underneath. A creepy silicon mask gave him a

This is Anthony Borges.

 This is Anthony Borges.   He was shot five times when he was only 15 age after he barricaded a door to a classroom to protect other students, saving as many as 20 lives during the Parkland shooting.    A third of Borges' lung had to be removed. One bullet came dangerously close to his liver, and three others tore through his legs.

This is a picture of a man who is about to be executed using the execution device called the garrote.

  This is a picture of a man who is about to be executed using the execution device called the garrote.   The garrote is an execution device that is documented to have been used in the first century BC Rome. This torture method found its way into modern history.   The condemned would sit with a metal clap wrapped around his neck before the executioner turned the screw that would theoretically burst his brainstem, killing him instantly.

In 1908, Houdini stood at the edge of the Harvard Bridge—commonly referred to as the Mass. Ave. Bridge—and was shackled by a Boston patrolman. His hands were handcuffed behind his back and chained to a collar around his neck.

 In 1908, Houdini stood at the edge of the Harvard Bridge—commonly referred to as the Mass. Ave. Bridge—and was shackled by a Boston patrolman. His hands were handcuffed behind his back and chained to a collar around his neck.    According to a Boston Globe article chronicling the feat, a signal was tooted from a towboat, and Houdini went overboard into the chilly waters below.    “There is always the possibility that I will be unable to free myself, as one never can tell what will happen to a lock,” Houdini told the newspaper.    “However, I am a good swimmer, have confidence in myself, and I hope to perform this feat successfully.”    The Globe estimated some 20,000 spectators gathered to see Houdini’s leap, including the mayors of Boston and Cambridge.  They waited 40 seconds for the magician to resurface, which he did with the shackles in his hands.

I remember that moment so clearly. We were on vacation. I'm from Johannesburg, South Africa, and my mom saw Brian and Freddie walking in front of us

 “I remember that moment so clearly. We were on vacation. I'm from Johannesburg, South Africa, and my mom saw Brian and Freddie walking in front of us. I was 8 and I didn’t understand why she was so excited. Then she said to me, ‘He is the one who sings Radio Ga Ga!’ She told me to run and ask for his autograph, but I was too shy so mom ran to him. Freddie and my mom came to the pool and my dad came with my brothers to meet him. My dad started a conversation with Freddie, but I don't remember what they were talking about. Moments later, my dad asked if he would mind taking a picture with, us and he gladly said yes. We didn't watch the concert because we didn't have tickets for that night. When Freddie Mercury died in 1991, I enlarged the picture and put it in a frame in my room.” ♥️

When the allied forces entered the German state the first 3 days all they did was raping women and looting the german population

When the allied forces entered the German state the first 3 days all they did was raping women and looting the german population. Obviously this was not official orders but after those 3 days strict actions were taken against those who were found doing these cheap acts. The allied forces ( mostly soviets) raped the german women. As young as 12–13 yrs old were raped by these men. There’s no perfect figure of women who went through this but the estimated numbers are around 2 million women. 100k women were raped in the German capital Berlin and around 10k died after these horrible incidents. The health and hospital reports helped to show these figures. Around 4148 Red Army officers and privates were punished for committing these atrocities. Women as much as 70 times were raped by these men. Eye witnesses accounts~ According to a former army officer, "We were young, strong, and four years without women. So we tried to catch German women and.... Ten men raped one girl.

In 2021, Dog-sitter Jacqueline Durand had her nose, ears, lips and cheeks bitten more 800 times by two dogs that she was looking after. Her injuries were so severe that she had to be placed in a medically-induced coma.

 In 2021, Dog-sitter Jacqueline Durand had her nose, ears, lips and cheeks bitten more 800 times by two dogs that she was looking after. Her injuries were so severe that she had to be placed in a medically-induced coma. Upon entering the home she was dog sitting at, Jacqueline Durand was immediately pinned down and brutally mauled by the two dogs she was meant to look after, Bender, a boxer and pit bull mix, and Lucy, a German Shepherd.  The attack was so severe that it resulted in Durand losing a staggering 30 percent of her blood. The dogs tore her face down to the bone.  The attack lasted a harrowing half an hour before law enforcement arrived at the scene.  The officers were alerted to the situation by an alarm triggered by the open door, which indicated something was amiss.  Durand was subsequently rushed to the hospital where she spent 60 days recovering from the traumatic incident. Since the attack, Durand

Restaurant Staff Refused To Serve Black Police Officer, Then He Returned The Next Day & Did THIS!

Black police officer Joseph Baker experienced discrimination at a local diner. Despite waiting for over 45 minutes, the counter staff refused to serve him, leaving him shocked and determined to return the next day with his badge in full view. The staff, unaware of Baker's identity, had previously given him strange looks and refused to serve him the food he wanted. When Baker spoke to the manager about the disrespectful behavior, she accused him of delaying the line and laughed at his complaint. The cook joined in, refusing to serve Baker based on his race. Baker left the restaurant feeling disrespected and unable to reveal his identity as a police officer. The incident went viral on social media, leading to protests, the suspension of the staff involved, and threats of boycotts or violence. Many black people shared similar experiences of refusal and mockery at the restaurant, resulting in the black community collectively deciding to stop trying to get