Jamy comes home hungry every day. For someone who leaves with a bag full of food, it’s odd for Jamy to starve throughout the day. At first, his parents don’t know why because they always make enough food for Jamy. The young boy wants to keep the reason why he is always hungry.

They try to engage him in conversations during dinner, hoping he would open up, but Jamy remains tight-lipped, staring at his plate as if it holds the secrets of the universe. His parents exchange worried glances, feeling a growing sense of helplessness.

Despite their best efforts to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, Jamy seems distant, lost in his own world of silent struggles. They wonder if there's something they're missing, some hidden clue that could unlock the mystery of their son's behavior.

Jamy's appetite dwindles with each passing day, and his once vibrant personality dims like a flickering candle in the wind. His parents watch with aching hearts as their energetic child retreats into himself, a shadow of the boy he used to be. They long to reach out, to bridge the growing chasm between them, but they're met with an impenetrable wall of silence. Their concern deepens, a gnawing fear taking root in their hearts as they grapple with the unknown.


The classmates told the parents and the principal that Jamy said he never got food from home. They just thought he was very poor. Jamy’s parents were confused. Both have decent, well-paying jobs that could support Jamy and his siblings’ future. They are not that wealthy, but they are most definitely not poor. How can he ever say that? The couple kept wondering why.

They rack their brains, trying to understand what could have led Jamy to make such a distressing claim. Was it a cry for attention, a misguided attempt to fit in with his peers? Or perhaps there was a kernel of truth buried beneath his words, a hidden struggle they had failed to recognize until now.

Doubt gnaws at them, mingling with their parental instincts, leaving them feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty. They cling to each other for support, united in their determination to uncover the truth and set things right for their son.

Every interaction with Jamy now carries an undercurrent of worry, a silent plea for him to break his silence and let them in. They tread carefully, mindful of his fragile emotional state, but their hearts ache with the weight of unspoken words. They long to wrap him in their arms, to shield him from whatever darkness haunts his days, but first, they must unravel the mystery that threatens to tear him apart.

The Headmaster

Jamy was asked to come in as well. The principal thought it would be best to devise a solution. He instantly started crying when they opened up about the food. But something weird happened, and Jamy still felt uncomfortable talking about what was happening. He did not want to share anything even though he was pressured to speak up. Jamy’s parents were devastated.

Their anguish deepens as they watch Jamy struggle to articulate his feelings, his silence a heavy barrier between them. They ache to ease his burden, to banish the shadows that linger in his eyes, but their efforts seem futile in the face of his stubborn silence. The principal's tears mirror their own, a shared lament for the innocence lost, for the pain their son carries in silence.

They cling to each other, drawing strength from their shared resolve to protect their son at any cost. But the road ahead seems fraught with obstacles, each more daunting than the last. They steel themselves for the battle ahead, determined to unearth the truth and confront whatever darkness lies hidden in the shadows. For Jamy's sake, they will not rest until the light pierces the darkness, until their son's smile once again lights up the room.


Then one of his teachers got called in who had something very interesting to share. She was a petite teacher in her mid-40s. She was Jamy’s homeroom teacher from last year. Recently, a substitute teacher named Callum had started who acted really suspiciously around Jamy. This could be the one who did something for Jamy to give up his daily lunch. But what is his motive?

Her words hang heavy in the air, casting a pall over the room as they grapple with the implications of her revelation. They had placed their trust in the school, in the teachers who guided their son's steps, only to be confronted with a betrayal that cuts deeper than they ever imagined. Their minds race, piecing together fragments of memory, searching for any sign they might have missed, any warning that could have spared Jamy from this ordeal.

Doubt gnaws at them, a relentless foe that refuses to be vanquished. They cast wary glances at each other, their faith shaken to its core as they confront the harsh reality of their son's suffering. Questions swirl in their minds, each more terrifying than the last, as they grapple with the unthinkable truth that their son's tormentor lurks among those they trusted most. But amidst the turmoil, a flicker of determination ignites within them, a resolve to confront this evil head-on and protect their son from further harm.

Their eyes meet, a silent pledge passing between them, as they steel themselves for the battle ahead. For Jamy's sake, they will not falter, will not waver in their quest for justice. They stand united, a bulwark against the darkness that threatens to engulf their son, determined to reclaim his stolen innocence and restore the light to his weary eyes.

Substitute Teacher

The substitute teacher was called in. Upon entering the principal’s office, he immediately changed his attitude when he saw Jamy and his parents. From his demure aura, he seemed to switch into a totally different person. He got confronted with the story. He told them he had no idea what they were talking about.

However, this wasn’t convincing at all to any of them. Why did the substitute teacher’s face change when he saw Jamy and his parents? Why did he turn pale all of a sudden? He looked so stiff and uncomfortable the moment he entered the headmaster’s office. What could this mean? Everyone was so confused and jittery that no one could even say a word.

The tension in the room was palpable, each second stretching into an eternity as they waited for some semblance of truth to emerge. Jamy's parents exchanged uneasy glances, their hearts heavy with apprehension, while the substitute teacher fidgeted under their scrutiny, his eyes darting nervously around the room. It was a standoff, a battle of wills cloaked in an uneasy silence, as they waited for the first crack to appear in the facade of denial.

Figuring it Out

The principal wanted to act civil and spoke privately with the substitute teacher. He explained in detail Jamy’s parents’ concerns and what also bothered him as the school head. The teacher kept denying that he was involved. The headmaster needed to be convinced, but he knew he needed to be professional most, especially at times like this.

In the meantime, another teacher came to comfort the parents. The couple was delighted with the presence of the teacher. He definitely knew something was up with the substitute teacher as well, so he made sure not to miss this opportunity to talk to them. Jamy’s parents had to take action.

The weight of uncertainty hangs heavy in the air as they grapple with the tangled web of lies and deceit that threatens to engulf them. Each new revelation adds another layer of complexity to an already convoluted situation, leaving them feeling adrift in a sea of doubt and suspicion. But amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope flickers to life, a beacon of light in the darkness that guides them forward on their quest for justice.

Attitude Change

They got called back into the principal’s office. The old man’s face turned blank as if he had no words to share to console the family. He sighed and shared that he could not do anything due to unfortunate events because they had not enough evidence. It was evident that the headmaster himself felt miserable with his decision.

To the dismay of the little boy’s parents, they had no choice but to stay quiet and accept that they couldn’t do anything anymore. Jamy still did not want to tell them anything, and the teacher did not give them any reason. However, the headmaster and parents didn’t want to give up. They had to come up with a different plan to catch him.

As they leave the principal's office, a sense of defeat weighs heavily upon them, their steps slow and heavy with the burden of unfulfilled justice. But beneath the surface, a simmering anger stirs, a determination to right the wrongs that have been done. They may have been thwarted this time, but they refuse to let the substitute teacher's actions go unpunished. With renewed resolve, they set their sights on a new plan of action, determined to bring him to justice by any means necessary.

Next Few Days

Over the next few days, Jamy kept coming home without talking to his parents. They still felt that their visit to the school did not help at all. They had no clue what they had to do yet. They were so bothered, however, they were determined to ensure the substitute teacher would pay for it.

They knew they needed to come up with a plan. However, they needed help figuring out how to go about their first steps. They knew they had to plan it accordingly so that no one would be suspicious of it. It was more challenging than they thought it would be, but they were optimistic about this. They were certain of one thing: They needed to find out what the substitute teacher was up to.

In the quiet moments of the evening, they huddle together, their minds racing with possibilities as they brainstorm a strategy to expose the substitute teacher's misdeeds. Every creak of the floorboards, every rustle of the wind outside, serves as a reminder of the dangers that lurk in the shadows, urging them to tread carefully as they navigate the treacherous waters ahead. But despite the risks, they press forward, fueled by a fierce determination to protect their son and bring his tormentor to justice.

Confronting Callum

Jamy’s father, Thomas, had enough of it the next day and decided to confront the substitute teacher Callum by himself. He planned his next steps thoroughly. When he felt that it was time, he grabbed his coat and drove to school. After class, he entered the classroom. Callum was extremely surprised when Thomas entered.

It was undeniable that the look on the substitute teacher’s face dramatically changed upon seeing Jamy’s father. What could his reasons be? He was totally in distress and caught off guard.

His anxiety level shot up, and his hands shook non-stop. What was happening? Why did he feel that he was being attacked? It was a feeling he loathed.

The tension in the room was palpable, a silent battle of wills unfolding between the two men as they squared off, each sizing the other up with wary eyes. Thomas's heart pounded in his chest, his mind racing with a thousand questions, but he held his ground, refusing to be intimidated by the substitute teacher's facade of calm.


Nonetheless, Callum remained calm when Thomas decided to confront him. He took a deep breath and confidently told Thomas it wasn’t what it looked like. He added that they needed to believe him as it was for the benefit of everyone. The substitute teacher seemed truly sincere.

Thomas listened intently, his brow furrowed in concentration as he weighed Callum's words. Despite the sincerity in the substitute teacher's voice, doubts gnawed at Thomas's mind, a nagging sense of unease that refused to be silenced. 

He searched Callum's face for any sign of deception, any hint of the truth hidden beneath his carefully crafted facade.

Callum's demeanor, though seemingly genuine, did little to assuage Thomas's growing suspicions. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story than meets the eye, that beneath Callum's smooth exterior lay a web of deceit waiting to ensnare them all. With each passing moment, Thomas's resolve hardened, a steely determination taking root within him to uncover the truth at any cost.

Alarm Bells

The conversation with Callum set off some alarm bells in Thomas’ head. It wasn’t even that the teacher said anything particularly worrying, but he was just getting a strange vibe from him. He couldn’t get it off his mind.

As Thomas drove home, his thoughts raced like a runaway train, each new revelation sending shockwaves through his already frayed nerves. His grip on the steering wheel tightened, knuckles turning white with the force of his anxiety, as he struggled to make sense of the tangled web of deceit that threatened to engulf his family.

Doubts and suspicions swirled in his mind, a relentless storm that battered against the shores of his sanity. He replayed the conversation with Callum over and over again, searching for hidden meanings, subtle clues that might reveal the truth lurking just beyond his grasp. But the answers remained elusive, taunting him with their elusiveness as he grappled with the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

With each passing mile, the weight of his burden grew heavier, a suffocating pressure that threatened to crush him beneath its unbearable weight. But amidst the darkness, a flicker of determination ignited within him, a resolve to see justice served and his family's honor restored. He would not rest until the truth was uncovered, and those responsible held to account for their actions.

Driving Home

Callum just kept telling Thomas not to worry about it and that everything was perfectly fine with Jamy. But Thomas knew in his heart that this wasn’t true. He drove home extremely concerned. The conversation hadn’t done anything to make him feel better, and in fact, he felt even worse. The weight of the truth bears down on Thomas's shoulders like a leaden burden, each step heavier than the last as he trudges towards an uncertain future.

His mind churns with unanswered questions, doubts swirling like a tempest in his mind, as he struggles to find the strength to confront the darkness that threatens to consume his family.

With each passing moment, the divide between truth and deception grows wider, a gaping chasm that threatens to swallow them whole. But Thomas refuses to surrender to despair, his determination burning bright against the encroaching darkness. For Jamy's sake, he will not rest until the truth is brought to light, and justice is served.


Now Thomas was even more worried. What the hell was this teacher doing to his little boy? It was too much. During dinner, Thomas straight up asked Jamy if something was going on with his teacher that he needed to know about. He wanted to see his reaction when he talked about Callum, and he was unhappy with the result.

They were all stunned to see the reaction on Jamy’s face. Everyone froze and couldn’t utter a single word. What was happening to Jamy? Something was definitely up as it was the first time for Jamy to act like this. They were all concerned and bothered.

The silence hung heavy in the air, a suffocating blanket that smothered any attempt at conversation. Thomas exchanged a worried glance with his wife, their shared concern etched into the lines of their faces. They had hoped for reassurance, for some sign that their son was safe, but instead, they were met with a wall of silence that left them feeling more isolated than ever before.

Jamy's eyes darted nervously around the room, avoiding his father's gaze as if afraid of what he might find there. Thomas's heart ached at the sight, a deep well of sadness pooling within him as he struggled to comprehend the depths of his son's pain. He longed to reach out, to pull Jamy into his arms and shield him from whatever darkness threatened to consume him, but he knew that first, they had to break through the barriers that held him captive.


Jamy seemed almost frightened a bit when Thomas asked him this. He stuttered that nothing was happening and that his dad had nothing to worry about. But he was definitely not convinced. In fact, now he was even more certain that something was going on, and he wanted to know what it was.

Jamy’s parents exchanged worried glances, their hearts heavy with the weight of unspoken fears. They longed to reach out, to comfort their son in his hour of need, but words failed them, lost amidst the tangled web of emotions that bound them together. They shared a silent vow, a pledge to stand united in their quest for the truth, no matter the cost.

The air in the room grew heavy with the unspoken tension, each breath drawn with effort as they grappled with the enormity of what lay before them. Thomas's mind raced with a thousand possibilities, each more terrifying than the last, as he struggled to make sense of the chaos that threatened to engulf his family. He knew that they couldn't afford to ignore the warning signs any longer, that they had to confront the darkness head-on, no matter how daunting the task may seem.

Jamy's eyes flickered with uncertainty, a flicker of fear dancing in their depths as he struggled to find the words to ease his father's concerns. Thomas's heart ached at the sight, a fierce protectiveness swelling within him as he vowed to do whatever it took to keep his son safe. He would not rest until the truth was uncovered, and justice served, no matter the cost.

Concerned Parent

Now Thomas was sure this teacher was doing something that made Jamy act this way. And he was going to get to the bottom of this. But how? The answer came from another concerned parent with a child in Jamy’s class. Thomas and the other parent weren’t going to back down. They needed to thoroughly plan their following actions.

The other parent, a mother of three, noticed something different with her youngest daughter. At first, she felt that it was normal. Perhaps it could be because she was a newcomer to their school. However, she felt convinced that something odd made her act that way. She knew she had to act on it fast.

Their shared concern formed a bond between them, a shared determination to uncover the truth and protect their children at any cost. They poured over every detail, dissecting each conversation and interaction for any sign of wrongdoing, their minds racing with possibilities as they plotted their next move. Thomas felt a glimmer of hope stir within him, a spark of determination that refused to be extinguished as he realized he wasn't alone in this fight.

As they shared their stories, a sense of solidarity washed over them, a shared understanding that they were all in this together. They may have come from different backgrounds, but their love for their children united them in a common cause. With renewed determination, they set their sights on the horizon, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest for justice.

Sharing Their Story

Apparently, she had noticed a change in behavior with her daughter as well and wanted to know if Thomas experienced something similar with Jamy. Obviously, he did. They came together to talk about what was going on with their children and just what they should do about it.

 For the next couple of days, the two parents met to meticulously think about their following action plans. They knew they should be sure of all aspects of their goals because a simple mistake would mean everything they worked hard for would be useless. Even both of their significant partners joined in planning all for their children.

Together, they formed a united front, a force to be reckoned with as they pooled their resources and knowledge in pursuit of the truth. Their determination burned bright, a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume them, as they vowed to stop at nothing to uncover the sinister forces at work in their children's lives.

With each passing day, their resolve grew stronger, fueled by the unwavering love they held for their children and the burning desire to protect them from harm. They poured over every detail, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for answers, as they prepared to confront the darkness that lurked in the shadows.

No Answers

Together they came up with a plan to figure out what this teacher was doing to or with their children. They had to be subtle as they not only had to get an answer but also proof of what was happening. Their son and daughter didn’t want to say anything, and Callum wasn’t admitting to anything with either one.

Of course, at the back of their minds, they gave him the benefit of the doubt. Even though they felt bad for their kids, many ‘what ifs’ popped into their minds. Most certainly, they wanted to be fair to the substitute teacher and their children.

As they brainstormed, the weight of responsibility bore down on them, each passing moment adding to the urgency of their mission. They knew they couldn't afford to hesitate, their children's well-being hanging in the balance. With determination in their hearts, they vowed to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

Their minds buzzed with ideas, each more elaborate than the last as they plotted their next move. They poured over every detail, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for answers, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity. Together, they formed a formidable team, united in their resolve to protect their children from harm.

Recording Device

The solution Nicole, the other parent, came up with was to use a small recording device to catch the teacher red-handed. But where were they going to put it? They had to do it so that neither of the children would know about it, but they needed it to actually catch something happening.

However, before doing so, they meticulously researched the laws of secretly recording, most especially with the involvement of minors in a school setting. Thankfully, one of the parents from their kids’ class was a lawyer, so they sought help from her.

Their discussions were intense, each point debated and analyzed with precision as they navigated the complexities of their plan. They knew they had to tread carefully, their every move scrutinized by those who sought to undermine them. With the weight of responsibility resting heavy on their shoulders, they steeled themselves for the challenges ahead.


They planted a recording device inside Jamy’s backpack. When he went to school the next day, they could hear everything that had happened. The backpack was the ultimate disguise for the recording device, so no one would get suspicious. It was a great plan, they thought.Hidden within his books, the recording device sounded great even though it was placed inside Jamy’s big school bag.

They just hoped and prayed that it wouldn’t lose its connection nor be discovered by the young boy, or else their plans would be screwed. Their hearts pounded with anticipation as they set their plan into motion, each second ticking by agonizingly slow as they waited for the moment of truth to arrive. They knew they were taking a risk, but it was a risk they were willing to take to protect their children from harm.

Something to See

The recording device let him hear that Jamy was also struggling in some other areas. And he was certain Callum was to blame, but he wasn’t quite sure what was happening. At least, not until Jamy walked into class with the substitute teacher, and they could hear everything. It pained Thomas and his wife’s hearts when they heard their son’s voice break when he said about his dilemma with the task in his Math assignment.

They never knew that their young boy had difficulty working on his Math tasks on top of his other homework.

Their minds raced with possibilities as they listened to the heartbreaking conversation unfold, each word like a dagger to the heart as they realized the extent of their son's suffering. With tears in their eyes and fire in their hearts, they vowed to put an end to the torment their child endured, no matter the cost.


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